Originally named Alamon Telco, Inc., our company was founded in 1975 by Frank and Margaret (Peg) Gebhardt. Starting with the proverbial ‘shoe-string’ budget, Frank parlayed 20 years of Telephony experience into supplying contracting services to the telecommunications industry. Combined with Peg’s sharp business mind, they steadily grew Alamon Telco for the next 30 years to become a force in the telecom contracting world.
An American Success Story
In the 1990’s, with many ‘homegrown’, talented managers and operations staff on-board, Alamon expanded and diversified its contracting services into several areas outside of Central Office telephony. With that expansion, growth and success, Frank and Peg began to set their sights on the long-term future of the company. In 2010, with the Gebhardt’s spirit of generosity and entrepreneurship, Alamon Telco became Employee Owned Alamon, Inc.
“We wanted the people that helped build Alamon Telco to share in our success, to have a chance to be business owners, and to have a chance to see the rewards like Peg and I have.”
-Frank Gebhardt, Alamon Co-Founder
Every employee that comes to work for us is an Alamon, Inc. business owner.
Essential Services for America’s Infrastructure
Today, Alamon has six divisions with satellite offices and permanent supervisors in 10 regionally located states. Alamon’s ‘Essential Services for America’s Infrastructure’ moniker is derived from our ability to provide skilled, experienced labor and management to the Energy, Utility and Communications industries on a nationwide scale.
Building the Future
From a single Kalispell, Montana warehouse in 1975, to our current Nationwide presence, Alamon continues to build relationships with a broad range of clients and industries. From Fortune 500 companies to our vital mid-sized and small business partners, Alamon’s ability to develop professional, cost effective teams anchors our success and growth into the future.
Alamon FAQ: How did ‘Alamon’ get its name?
Answer: Alaska + Montana = Ala-Mon. Frank Gebhardt’s adventures in contracting began in Alaska in the 1960’s, continuing to Montana in the early 1970’s. ‘Alamon Telco’ became official with its Incorporation in the State of Montana in 1975.
Welcome to Alamon
An overview of our employee owned company, how it started, and the industries we serve today.